[ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000573s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=en_fs_xingsheng_;charset=utf8
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_plugin` [ RunTime:0.002205s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `config` FROM `cmf_plugin` WHERE `name` = 'SwitchThemeDemo' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000319s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `config` FROM `cmf_plugin` WHERE `name` = 'Sheng' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000254s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_nav` [ RunTime:0.001553s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav` WHERE ( is_main=1 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000255s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_nav_menu` [ RunTime:0.001499s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=0 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000333s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=11 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000253s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=2 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000300s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=26 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000232s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=42 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000212s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=50 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000196s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=51 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000278s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=10 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000213s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=19 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000201s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=38 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000265s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=18 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000223s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=34 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000214s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=47 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000194s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=27 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000200s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=5 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000217s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=35 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000197s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=36 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000354s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_nav_menu` WHERE ( status = 1 and nav_id=1 and parent_id=15 ) ORDER BY `list_order` [ RunTime:0.000218s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_post` [ RunTime:0.001668s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `post`.* FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND ( `post`.`published_time` < '1738745901' AND `post`.`published_time` > '0' ) AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `post`.`id` = '915' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000388s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `post`.* FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND ( `post`.`published_time` < '1738745901' AND `post`.`published_time` > '0' ) AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `post`.`id` < '915' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000390s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `post`.* FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND ( `post`.`published_time` < '1738745901' AND `post`.`published_time` > '0' ) AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `post`.`id` > '915' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000337s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_category_post` [ RunTime:0.001534s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.001640s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `cmf_portal_category`.*,pivot.id AS pivot__id,pivot.post_id AS pivot__post_id,pivot.category_id AS pivot__category_id,pivot.list_order AS pivot__list_order,pivot.status AS pivot__status FROM `cmf_portal_category` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `pivot` ON `pivot`.`category_id`=`cmf_portal_category`.`id` WHERE `pivot`.`post_id` = 915 [ RunTime:0.000467s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_portal_post` SET `post_hits`=`post_hits`+1 WHERE `id` = 915 [ RunTime:0.002211s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_theme_file` [ RunTime:0.001564s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/exhibitionview' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000340s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/about' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000323s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/about',`name`='单页面(关于我们)',`more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/about' [ RunTime:0.001830s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/contact' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000321s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/contact',`name`='联系我们页',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"baidu_map_info_window_text\":{\"title\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57\",\"name\":\"baidu_map_info_window_text\",\"value\":\"XXXXXXX<br\\/><span class=\'\'>\\u5730\\u5740\\uff1aXXXXXXXX<\\/span>\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57,\\u652f\\u6301\\u7b80\\u5355html\\u4ee3\\u7801\",\"rule\":[]},\"baidu_map_height\":{\"title\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u9ad8\\u5ea6\",\"value\":\"450\",\"type\":\"number\",\"tip\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u9ad8\\u5ea6\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true},\"message\":{\"require\":\"\\u4e0d\\u80fd\\u4e3a\\u7a7a\"}},\"baidu_map_width\":{\"title\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u5bbd\\u5ea6\",\"value\":\"1200\",\"type\":\"number\",\"tip\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u5bbd\\u5ea6\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true},\"message\":{\"require\":\"\\u4e0d\\u80fd\\u4e3a\\u7a7a\"}}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"baidu_map_info_window_text\":{\"title\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57\",\"name\":\"baidu_map_info_window_text\",\"value\":\"XXXXXXX<br\\/><span class=\'\'>\\u5730\\u5740\\uff1aXXXXXXXX<\\/span>\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57,\\u652f\\u6301\\u7b80\\u5355html\\u4ee3\\u7801\",\"rule\":[]},\"baidu_map_height\":{\"title\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u9ad8\\u5ea6\",\"value\":\"450\",\"type\":\"number\",\"tip\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u9ad8\\u5ea6\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true},\"message\":{\"require\":\"\\u4e0d\\u80fd\\u4e3a\\u7a7a\"}},\"baidu_map_width\":{\"title\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u5bbd\\u5ea6\",\"value\":\"1200\",\"type\":\"number\",\"tip\":\"\\u5730\\u56fe\\u5bbd\\u5ea6\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true},\"message\":{\"require\":\"\\u4e0d\\u80fd\\u4e3a\\u7a7a\"}}}}',`description`='联系我们页模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/contact' [ RunTime:0.002086s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/design' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000309s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/design',`name`='模具设计',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/design' [ RunTime:0.001851s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/equipment' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000303s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/equipment',`name`='模具技术',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/equipment' [ RunTime:0.001916s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/exhibition' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000302s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/exhibition',`name`='展会活动',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/exhibition' [ RunTime:0.002177s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/index' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000281s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Index/index',`file`='portal/index',`name`='首页',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"top_slide\":{\"title\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"admin\\/Slide\\/index\",\"multi\":false},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"tip\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"top_slide\":{\"title\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"admin\\/Slide\\/index\",\"multi\":false},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"tip\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`description`='首页模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=5 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/index' [ RunTime:0.001910s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/kownledge' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000326s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/kownledge',`name`='知识动态',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='知识动态页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=9 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/kownledge' [ RunTime:0.001712s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/kownledgeview' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/kownledgeview',`name`='产品详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='产品详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=8 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/kownledgeview' [ RunTime:0.001904s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/map' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/map',`name`='单页面',`more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/map' [ RunTime:0.001890s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/message' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000277s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/message',`name`='单页面2',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/message' [ RunTime:0.001897s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/news' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000303s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/news',`name`='新闻列表页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='新闻列表页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=11 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/news' [ RunTime:0.001788s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/news1' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/news1',`name`='新闻列表页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='新闻列表页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=11 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/news1' [ RunTime:0.001712s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/newsview' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/newsview',`name`='新闻详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='新闻详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=12 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/newsview' [ RunTime:0.001840s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/newsview1' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000327s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/newsview1',`name`='新闻详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='新闻详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=12 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/newsview1' [ RunTime:0.001909s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/newsview2' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000355s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/newsview2',`name`='新闻详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='新闻详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=12 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/newsview2' [ RunTime:0.002304s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/page' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000333s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/page',`name`='通用型单页面',`more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='通用型单页面',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/page' [ RunTime:0.001762s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/problem' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000324s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/problem',`name`='单页面(常见问题)',`more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/problem' [ RunTime:0.001774s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/product' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000274s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/product',`name`='产品列表页',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='产品列表页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=9 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/product' [ RunTime:0.001758s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/product2' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000408s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/product2',`name`='产品列表页2(用于证书,案例,其他)',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='产品列表页2(用于证书,案例,其他)',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/product2' [ RunTime:0.001801s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/product3' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000336s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/product3',`name`='展览动态',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='展览动态页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=9 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/product3' [ RunTime:0.001653s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/productview' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000311s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/productview',`name`='产品详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='产品详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=8 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/productview' [ RunTime:0.001719s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/productview2' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000289s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/productview2',`name`='产品详情页2(用于证书,案例,其他)',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='产品详情页2(用于证书,案例,其他)',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=9 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/productview2' [ RunTime:0.001800s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/productview3' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000313s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/productview3',`name`='展览详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='展览详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=8 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/productview3' [ RunTime:0.002326s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/sales' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000323s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/sales',`name`='单页面(网络销售)',`more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/sales' [ RunTime:0.001757s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/search' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000277s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/search/index',`file`='portal/search',`name`='搜索页面',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='搜索模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/search' [ RunTime:0.001734s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/supplier' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000304s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/supplier',`name`='供应商',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/supplier' [ RunTime:0.001936s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/video' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000312s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/video',`name`='视频展示',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/video' [ RunTime:0.001803s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/videoview' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000305s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/videoview',`name`='视频详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='视频详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=12 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/videoview' [ RunTime:0.001902s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/workshop' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000300s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/workshop',`name`='生产车间',`more`='[]',`config_more`='[]',`description`='生产车间',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=9 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/workshop' [ RunTime:0.001754s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/workshopview' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000349s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/workshopview',`name`='产生车间详情页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='产品详情页',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=8 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/workshopview' [ RunTime:0.001863s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'public/config' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000291s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc',`action`='public/Config',`file`='public/config',`name`='模板全局配置',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"address\":{\"title\":\"\\u5730\\u5740\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"company_location\":{\"title\":\"\\u516c\\u53f8\\u4f4d\\u7f6e\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"location\",\"tip\":\"\\u516c\\u53f8\\u4f4d\\u7f6e\\u7ecf\\u7eac\\u5ea6\"},\"baidu_map_info_window_text\":{\"title\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57\",\"name\":\"baidu_map_info_window_text\",\"value\":\"XXXXXXX<br\\/><span class=\'\'>\\u5730\\u5740\\uff1aXXXXXXXX<\\/span>\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57,\\u652f\\u6301\\u7b80\\u5355html\\u4ee3\\u7801\",\"rule\":[]},\"phone\":{\"title\":\"\\u7535\\u8bdd\\u53f7\\u7801\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"tel\":{\"title\":\"\\u624b\\u673a\\u53f7\\u7801\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"contact\":{\"title\":\"\\u8054\\u7cfb\\u4eba\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"email\":{\"title\":\"\\u90ae\\u7bb1\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"logo\":{\"title\":\"logo\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"image\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"ewm\":{\"title\":\"\\u4e8c\\u7ef4\\u7801\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"image\",\"tip\":\"\"}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"address\":{\"title\":\"\\u5730\\u5740\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"company_location\":{\"title\":\"\\u516c\\u53f8\\u4f4d\\u7f6e\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"location\",\"tip\":\"\\u516c\\u53f8\\u4f4d\\u7f6e\\u7ecf\\u7eac\\u5ea6\"},\"baidu_map_info_window_text\":{\"title\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57\",\"name\":\"baidu_map_info_window_text\",\"value\":\"XXXXXXX<br\\/><span class=\'\'>\\u5730\\u5740\\uff1aXXXXXXXX<\\/span>\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u767e\\u5ea6\\u5730\\u56fe\\u6807\\u6ce8\\u6587\\u5b57,\\u652f\\u6301\\u7b80\\u5355html\\u4ee3\\u7801\",\"rule\":[]},\"phone\":{\"title\":\"\\u7535\\u8bdd\\u53f7\\u7801\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"tel\":{\"title\":\"\\u624b\\u673a\\u53f7\\u7801\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"contact\":{\"title\":\"\\u8054\\u7cfb\\u4eba\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"email\":{\"title\":\"\\u90ae\\u7bb1\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"logo\":{\"title\":\"logo\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"image\",\"tip\":\"\"},\"ewm\":{\"title\":\"\\u4e8c\\u7ef4\\u7801\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"image\",\"tip\":\"\"}}}',`description`='模板全局配置文件',`is_public`=1,`list_order`=0 WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'public/config' [ RunTime:0.001892s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' [ RunTime:0.000317s ]
[ SQL ] DELETE FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND `file` = 'portal/exhibitionview' [ RunTime:0.001999s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_theme` [ RunTime:0.001872s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme` SET `name`='pc',`version`='1.0.0',`demo_url`='sheng',`author`='sheng',`lang`='zh-cn',`author_url`='sheng',`keywords`='pc',`description`='pc' WHERE `theme` = 'pc' [ RunTime:0.002171s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `more` FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc' AND ( `is_public` = 1 OR `file` = 'portal/productview' ) [ RunTime:0.000314s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_option` [ RunTime:0.001616s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'storage' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000229s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `path` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000259s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` IN (0,2) ORDER BY `path` ASC [ RunTime:0.000275s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND `parent_id` = 2 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000360s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND `parent_id` = 129 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000333s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND `parent_id` = 130 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000343s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `path` FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND `path` LIKE '0-2-%' [ RunTime:0.000415s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM ( SELECT count(*) FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < 1738745901 ) AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `category_post`.`category_id` IN (2,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147) AND `recommended` = 1 GROUP BY `post`.`id` ) `_group_count_` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000743s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT post.*,min(category_post.category_id) as category_id FROM `cmf_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cmf_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE ( `post`.`published_time` > '0' AND `post`.`published_time` < 1738745901 ) AND `post`.`post_status` = 1 AND `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `category_post`.`category_id` IN (2,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147) AND `recommended` = 1 GROUP BY `post`.`id` ORDER BY `post`.`list_order` DESC LIMIT 0,4 [ RunTime:0.001455s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 AND `parent_id` = 2 [ RunTime:0.000435s ]